
Files section in where we define what to download which files will be copied and so on...

A file element can have many attribute it depends on what you want to do and on what downloader will be used.

Attributes for default downloaders

For the defaults downloaders (download, local and github related) theses are the attributes.

  • get_type: which downloader need to get this file
  • url: where to download the file/lib/zip the downloaders can use this to guess what kind of get_type if not specified.
  • filename: the filename can be used with url to guess the get_type if not specified.
  • rename: rename the file.
  • name: to filter (in case of github get_type)
  • filter: a regex to filter (in case of github get_type)
  • dest: destination for the file or files.
  • files: list of sub files to process
    • filename: name of the file.
    • dest: destination for the file


For theses examples i assume we have a configuration like this to avoid problems with paths to guess destination:

  static: "~/src/django-site/static"
  js: "{static}/js"
  css: "{static}/css"
  fonts: "{static}/fonts"

  - ['(?i)\.js$', "{js}"]
  - ['(?i)\.css$', "{css}"]
  - ['(?i)\.(woff2?|ttf|otf|eot)$', "{fonts}"]

Local file

Just copy a local file.

  - filename: "~/src/js/palette.js"

Single file download

Directly download a single file from url and copy it as is. We define only the comlplete url the get_type and the action to take is guessed by the downloaders.

  - url:

Single file download with get query string

Passing the query string to the url and use the filename to tell how to save the result.

  - url:
    filename: pnotify.custom.min.js

GitHub raw download

Download a raw file from github. We define user/repository as url and the filename of the file to download.

  - url: moment/moment
    filename: min/moment-with-locales.min.js

GitHub latest release

Try to get latest release or the if can’t valid assets. We define user/repository as url and use the files list to tell which files to download.

- url: 'twbs/bootstrap'
    - filename: js/bootstrap.min.js
    - filename: css/bootstrap.min.css
    - filename: css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
    - filename: fonts/*.woff*   # note we can use wildcards