
Moaning downloader

A silly example which do nothing, except to moan for his poor situation.

from logging import getLogger
from getwebfilesinator.downloaders.downloaders_defaults import Downloader
log = getLogger(__name__)

class DownloaderTest(Downloader):
    """Test downloader"""

    # Our get type so we can map the Downloader
    get_type = 'test_download'
    # Actually we don't need a guess_priority in this case, we cant omit this

    def download(self, sfile):
        """Download the file"""
        # just log something..
        log.info(":'( I'm a test downloader. No actions for me :'(")
        # and return False so the file will not be processed
        return False

    def guess_type(self, sfile):
        """Guess retrieve type"""
        # just verify is the url is 'imatest'
        if sfile.url == 'imatest':
            return self

Greet (action included)

This silly downloader uses a personal action to bypass the standard client behavior.

from logging import getLogger
from getwebfilesinator.downloaders.downloaders_defaults import Downloader
log = getLogger(__name__)

class DownloaderGreet(Downloader):
    Downloader with action included

    our url must start with greet://

    get_type = 'greet'

    def guess_type(self, sfile):
        """Guess the type"""
        # the url must starts with ``greet://``
        if sfile.url.startswith('greet://'):
            return self

    def download(self, sfile):
        """Process sfile"""
        # OK retrieve our greet part.
        sfile.greet = sfile.url[8:]
        # and return our action, this will be executed by the client.
        return self.greet

    def greet(self, sfile, cfg):
        """ Greeting action """
        # just greet.
        log.info("Now we are greeting %s", sfile.greet)